Do you snore? Are you tired?

Sleep apnoea affects 25% of Australian men and 9% of Australian women.

The most common form is called obstructive sleep apnoea, where your airway

may be blocked for 10 seconds to several minutes during sleep. Your brain runs 

low on oxygen and so triggers the body to wake up briefly, just long enough to start

breathing and then fall back to sleep. This may repeat hundreds of times each

night, leaving you exhausted the following day. It's more serious than just being a noisy 

sleeping partner! The long-term complications of untreated sleep apnoea are

cardiovascular disease, diabetes, psychological disorders and even

early death.


If you are experiencing any of these, it might be time for a checkup.

  • Snoring.
  • Daytime tiredness.
  • Falling asleep during daytime activities.
  • Periods of not breathing during sleep (as observed by someone else).
  • Disturbed or restless sleep.
  • High blood pressure,
  • Being overweight, rapid weight gain or difficulty losing weight.
  • Aged older than 50 years.
  • Neck measurement (jf more than 40cm)


    We use an in home sleep apnoea testing service, based on a state-of-the-art European

    made testing device. It monitors your breathing, heart rate, chest movements, sleep position,

    snoring and oxygen saturation.

    We set you up in the pharmacy and make sure you feel confident in using the device, then 

    you take the device home to monitor your sleep in your own bed. Once we have analysed the

    results, we can discuss the treatment options with you. 

    Good sleep is fundamental to your good health, both mental and physical. Is it time you rediscovered

    a good night's sleep?

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