Health News

A Naturopath's Approach To Hormonal Imbalance

A Naturopath's Approach To Hormonal Imbalance

Female reproductive hormones ebb and flow through puberty, reproductive years, pregnancy, and menopause. These hormonal fluctuations are the backbone of the female body's incredible capability to grow, change, and adapt through different stages of life. Yet, despite their pivotal role, the idea that
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Insulin Resistant PCOS - Diet & Lifestyle Tips

Insulin Resistant PCOS - Diet & Lifestyle Tips

Your driver: InsulinHow is insulin playing a role in your PCOS? High levels of insulin can stimulate your ovaries to produce excessive amounts of androgens, which are male hormones like testosterone. Increased androgens disrupt the balance of your sex hormones leading to symptoms of hirsutism (hair
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Adrenal PCOS - Diet & Lifestyle Tips

Adrenal PCOS - Diet & Lifestyle Tips

Your driver: AdrenalsHow are you adrenals driving your PCOS?Your adrenal glands, in the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, produce cortisol and adrenaline to increase your blood pressure and heart rate in response to stress. Chronic stress then leads to excessive cortisol production, increas
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Post-Pill PCOS - Diet & Lifestyle Tips

Post-Pill PCOS - Diet & Lifestyle Tips

Your driver: Post-Pill PCOSWhat is the impact of the pill on your hormones?When you come off certain types of hormonal birth control including the oral contraceptive pill (OCP), it can cause PCOS symptoms of acne, hair changes and irregular cycles. This can be because it triggers a pre-existing PCOS
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Inflammatory PCOS - Diet & Lifestyle Tips

Inflammatory PCOS - Diet & Lifestyle Tips

Your driver: InflammationHow is inflammation driving your PCOS?Chronic, low-grade inflammation can stimulate the ovaries to produce increased testosterone through triggering theca cell dysfunction, contributing to PCOS onset and development. Chronic inflammation can be caused by leaky gut, food into
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